Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Clear your Cache

Recently, we updated all of our 2012 products to 2013 and 2014. Want to make sure you're seeing the right artwork? Clear your cache!

While clearing your ROES cache isn't necessary, now is a good time to do it since it will ensure you're seeing the latest artwork while also removing a lot of unused files from your computer. 

You can clear your ROES cache in three easy steps...

  1. Open ROES, and click on the question mark icon in the lower left corner
  2. Select 'Clear Cache'
  3. Select 'Clear Both Caches' and click OK

That's it!  ROES will automatically remove all your old artwork files, add our new files, shut-down and restart.   

Please note - you will want to finish placing any in-progress orders before clearing.